Enhance Stage | EPIC4 Specialty Partners

Enhance Stage

Who are Enhance stage doctors?

You own a practice that is established in the community. You have a network of advisors and colleagues you have assembled and trust. You feel accomplished in the creation of an orthodontic practice; on the other hand, you may feel the weight of what you have built is heavy and would love some way of sharing the load. You may have even considered various options to create a better life balance. The Enhance stage is the stage where doctors should begin thinking about their eventual retirement.

What do doctors in the Enhance stage have in common?

Your family wants more time with you and you want this as well
You are reflective and you think about what legacy you will leave as many of your career goals have been reached
Along with your core team, you have worked to establish your practice vision and have a reliable set of office systems
On some days, you recognize you have reached your maximum mental, physical and emotional limits and you know that you are officially the rate limiting step in your practice
You feel your practice is at maximum productivity and profitability, so you seek systems to Enhance your efficiency as this is the only path forward you see if you do not want to work more
Enhance stage doctors often do not understand how valuable the equity they hold in their practice can be on the open market
The digital treatment planning now means work is always with you; it is draining and your family often feels you are physically but not mentally present with them
You have begun to recognize the changing practice environment: you struggle to hire and retain employees as they go to work for DSOs which offer benefits and pay you cannot match. You realize you have no bargaining power with suppliers and insurance groups who are catering to larger organizations

What are the unique challenges for Enhance stage doctors?

The Enhance stage is typically the stage doctors have dreamed of being in. Your practice is big and successful and enjoys a revered place in your community. You are also realizing that time may be even more valuable than money and you begin to make decisions that will allow you more time with those you love and care about. Good decisions during the Enhance stage will prevent lingering regrets later in life, so great choices are key.

You may feel burnt out in providing so much energy to your practice
Every facet of your life is moving quickly and life's pace seems to be accelerating; you may worry about your personal relationships
You struggle to find the time to invest in and improve your personal journey and family relationships
An associate doctor would bring balance, however competing with the larger corporations and the incentives/packages they offer is daunting
Some of your colleagues of your age are selling their practices to DSO's and you want to know if this is right for you and your long term goals
You are starting to see some of your referral sources go away because they have affiliated with a DSO which employs their own specialists
You wonder how you will compete in the competitive and increasingly consolidating field
You recognize that integrating a new doctor into the practice is an enormous time, money and energy investment

EPIC4 is the perfect Partner for Enhance Stage Doctors

EPIC4 will provide the Enhance Stage doctor support beyond what can be found virtually anywhere else. We will partner with you to maximize your daily efficiencies, minimizing the administrative portion of practice ownership. Increased efficiencies will result in increased satisfaction at work and at home.

You will join EPIC4 and work on a transition from ownership that will pay many multiples more than a sale to a single doctor
With EPIC4's unique model of ownership from day one, we can help you attract and retain a new Associate Partner Doctor
EPIC4 will provide the support in your practice so you can enjoy practice without the weight of administrative duties
EPIC4 will allow you to focus on your clinical mastery 
Affiliation with EPIC4 means you do not have to worry about whether somebody will be able to afford your practice, and you will not have to worry about being the bank for the sale
Our systems and support result in more personal time and less stress! Your family will love the new version of you
EPIC4 is the elegant way to transition to post practice ownership. You will "know" that your transition out of practice is already secured after partnering with us
Through our group buying power, our Employee Benefits Package will allow you to attract and retain better team members

The security and financial benefits of working together far outweigh what can be done alone.

Kyle R Childers DMD, MS

Founding Doctor

If you are an

Enhance Stage Doctor

Contact us today to find out what EPIC4 can do for you!