Enhance Stage
Who are Enhance stage doctors?
You own a practice that is established in the community. You have a network of advisors and colleagues you have assembled and trust. You feel accomplished in the creation of an orthodontic practice; on the other hand, you may feel the weight of what you have built is heavy and would love some way of sharing the load. You may have even considered various options to create a better life balance. The Enhance stage is the stage where doctors should begin thinking about their eventual retirement.
What do doctors in the Enhance stage have in common?

What are the unique challenges for Enhance stage doctors?
The Enhance stage is typically the stage doctors have dreamed of being in. Your practice is big and successful and enjoys a revered place in your community. You are also realizing that time may be even more valuable than money and you begin to make decisions that will allow you more time with those you love and care about. Good decisions during the Enhance stage will prevent lingering regrets later in life, so great choices are key.
EPIC4 is the perfect Partner for Enhance Stage Doctors
EPIC4 will provide the Enhance Stage doctor support beyond what can be found virtually anywhere else. We will partner with you to maximize your daily efficiencies, minimizing the administrative portion of practice ownership. Increased efficiencies will result in increased satisfaction at work and at home.

Kyle R Childers DMD, MS
Founding Doctor